Some people just don’t get it, won’t get it or can’t get it. And you can’t make them.
Perhaps they don’t know, don’t think, or they just don’t care. Perhaps they’re insecure, or they’re jealous or they’re afraid that they‘ll lose if you win. Or, perhaps they’re afraid that you will get hurt, and they’re trying to protect you. Whatever the reason they don’t get it, don’t let the witless and the grit-less stop you from believing in yourself.
Now, if someone you trust says you’re wrong, you had better take note, because maybe they’re on to something. So, check your facts, check your logic and double-check your heart. And if it all comes out good, don’t sweat the doubters and the haters. When all is said and done, their problem isn’t with you, but with themselves.
Sometimes it is the people you least expect, the ones who really should know better. Sometimes it is your leaders, your advisors and your staff. Sometimes it is your friends, your family, or even your spouse. And sometimes, it is the whole jolly lot of them.
And sometimes, let’s be honest, sometimes it has been you, and me. So let’s not get all self-righteous about this. We all get it wrong, sometimes. So, “patience grasshopper”. Some of them will get it if you take the time to explain it, some will get it when they see it, and others will get it when they try it for themselves.
But, there will always be the ones who’ll never get it, no matter what you try. Even the Master had problems with the citics and the haters, the flouters and the doubters. ‘Cos haters gonna hate and doubters gonna doubt. That’s just the way it is. So, just let it go, and let them be. And above all, don’t let them stop you doing what you need to do. Because, when you’re right, you’re right.
Some people just don’t get it, some won’t get it and others just can’t get it. And you can’t make them. But if you get it, then live it. When all is said and done, that’s what counts.
- Original image courtesy Robert Couse-Baker via Wikimedia Commons.
Well this is, quite frankly, quite brilliant.
Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot, coming from you.
Nick Mayo Steve Owbridge