A Daisies Day

Today is a daisies day.
Today is a daisies day.
A small boy brings a daisy for his Father.
“It’s for you!” he says, “It’s a flower.”
Pressing it tightly into the man’s hand.
He crushes it.
As the Father accepts the tattered offering,
He smiles.
Today is a daisies day
Here and there the little yellow-and-white flowers
Add interest to the grass.
The child examines one.
“That’s where the ants come out” he explains,
Pointing to the gaps between the fibres
In the flower’s yellow middle.
I had never noticed them before.
A little later on
I observe
Two lovers sitting on the grass.
They are talking about love and talking about nothing
And talking about the daisies.
(Actually, I think they are also squashing
Some of the daisies).
They begin to make chains,
Gladly binding each other and glad to be bound.
Now, what is it about the human heart
That lets us appreciate the simple daisy?
Later still – on this, a daisies day
A Father lets his children play
With daisies.
The man says nothing about the daisies
But lets the children discover them for themselves.
Yes, Today is a daisies day
And yet
How often do I stop
And look at daisies?
