Are you planning to make this year a Year of Growth? What development areas have you chosen? Here is a list of suggestions to help you decide.
How to Use This List to Get Results
Here are some suggestions on how you can make best use of this list.
- Don’t try to tackle everything! You’ll be a lot more effective if you focus on a few key areas.
- Choose topics that will give you the greatest long-term benefits.
- For each area you choose, decide what action you’re going to take.
- Plan how you’re going to take action.
- Remove barriers that will slow you down.
- Enlist others to help you.
How Will You Grow Physically?
Will you look after yourself better in each of these areas:
- Nutrition and hydration?
- Exercise?
- Rest and relaxation?
- Personal safety?
How will you look your best? Will you improve your:
- Grooming?
- Wardrobe?
How will you get better organised? Will you simplify:
- At work?
- At home?
- At play?
How will you take care of your valuables? Will you:
- Service?
- Clean?
- Tidy?
- Repair?
- Backup?
- Secure?
How will you manage your time more effectively? Will you get better at:
- Managing your to-do list?
- Scheduling?
- Estimating?
- Earning?
- Spending?
- Borrowing?
- Saving?
- Protecting?
How Will You Grow Intellectually?
How will you develop your skills and knowledge? Will you take action by:
- Reading?
- Attending a course?
- Asking questions?
- Mentoring / being mentored?
- Teaching?
How will you develop your creativity? Will you:
- Write?
- Teach?
- Compose?
- Design?
- Produce?
How Will You Grow Your Relationships?
Will you develop in each of your roles?
- As a family member?
- As a friend?
- As a colleague?
- As a neighbour?
- As a citizen?
How will you improve your emotional intelligence?
How will you become a better communicator?
- As a speaker?
- As a listener?
- As a writer?
How Will You Grow Spiritually?
Will you clarify your purpose? Will you:
- Know your strengths?
- Know your passions?
- Know the need?
- Live your mission?
Will you hone your character? How will you be more:
- Loving?
- Joyful
- Peaceful?
- Patient?
- Kind?
- Good?
- Faithful?
- Gentle?
- Self-controlled?
- Solitude?
- Meditation?
- Prayer?
- Study?
- Fasting?
- Worship?
- Celebration?
- Confession?
- Giving?
- Simplicity?
What Are Your Thoughts?
Have you picked your growth areas? I’d love to hear what you’ve chosen and what you plan to do about it. Also, please do share if there is something missing from my list: I’m sure others will benefit from your insights.
Have a great year!
- Image courtesy Svilen Milev via StockXchng.