Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Gesesis 1:2 (NIV)
The second verse of Genesis identifies 3 problems with “the deep”:
- Formlessness
- Emptiness
- Darkness
After brooding over these for an unknown amount of time, God spends 6 days, God creates a valuable (good) universe. Throughout this process, God deals with these 3 issues:
- Darkness ⇒ Illumination
- Days 1 = light
- Day 4 = sun, moon and stars
- Formlessness ⇒ Forming
- Day 2 = sky
- Day 3a = land and sea
- Emptiness ⇒ Filling
- Day 3b = plants and trees
- Day 5 = sea and sky creatures
- Day 6 = Land creatures and people
- Image by Thanos Pal
- via Unsplash